
DigiDog offers comprehensive cyber security solutions.

As our world becomes increasingly reliant on digital technology, robust cyber security is an absolute necessity for individuals and businesses of all sizes, including Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

We understand that deciding on how best to protect your business whilst staying within budget can be challenging, which is why our team have partnered with Sophos to bring flexible, budget friendly enterprise level cybersecurity solutions to you.

Speak To Us
The Importance Of Cybersecurity for SMBs
Individuals and small businesses are increasingly coming under attack by cyber criminals. Malicious attacks (malware) and data being locked until a payment is made (ransomware) are becoming more and more commonplace.
These attacks lead to data leaks, financial loss and reputational damage which is why investing in the best cyber security you can is crucial for your business.
By partnering with Sophos, a world leader in cyber security, we give you access to the very top tier in security solutions, bringing the very latest technology and expertise to ensure you stay ahead of the latest cyber threats.
We tailor our cyber security solutions to you, some key features and benefits are:
Advanced Threat Detection
Sophos's state of the art tech protects your network and data with real time threat detection.
Endpoint Protection
Ensures every device on your network is secure, including all mobile devices.
Firewall and Network Security
The very latest technology protecting against unauthorised access to your networks and protecting against malicious cyber attacks in realtime.
Data Encryption
Your sensitive data is encrypted, so that in the event of it falling into the wrong hands, it will still remain secure.
Maintains Customer Trust
Any data breach affects how your customers view your company. With our cyber security solutions, you demonstrate how seriously you take protecting customer information.
Regulatory Compliance
Our cyber security solutions help you to avoid any legal complications by adhering to data protection regulations.
Don't compromise on your company's security due to budget concerns, we offer flexible payment options and can create tailor made cyber security packages.
Get In Touch
If you'd like to connect with us, don't hesitate to reach out through our social media channels. Whichever ones exist when you read this, you can be sure we're on there.

We look forward to helping you.